Our strategic direction is anchored on five pillars
- Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Protection
- Malaria, HIV/AIDS Prevention Education
- Building Internal Financial Capacities to partner donors’ organizations
- Empowerment of Women
- Promotion of Primary Health Care Activities
We undertake the following activities to achieve our strategic goals:
Agricultural Extension Services
Activities under this include demonstrations in composting, cover cropping, use of animal manure, use of refuse dump, animal rearing and crop rotation. These are done to address the soil infertility problem.
Micro Savings and Credit programmes for women and the vulnerable
This programme provides small credit facilities for women groups in particular to boost their income generation activities. Training in business management as well as mobilizing groups to save.
Enterprise Development
This is a support for small scale businesses in their development with technical assistance such as management, finance and accounting.
Agricultural Skills Training
This includes training of local farmers in the use of modern methods of frming to increase yield and improve upon environmental sustenance.
Community Food Security
Under this programme, farmers are supported to produce certain crops which are bought from them immediately after harvesting and sold to customers who are trading company in nature. The advantage of this programme to farmers is that they are assured of a guarantee price and increased bargaining power.